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Iniplus is a configuration file format and parser, it is simply an INI format with support for arrays. Iniplus aims to be as performant as std/parsecfg, yet more flexible and easier to use for new Nim developers. Plus, support for arrays is quite essential, and hacky work-arounds such as using strings aren't ideal. To get started with iniplus, you must install it via nimble and then import it To read configuration files, you can use the procedure parseFile

Example: cmd: --run:off

import src/iniplus
# Load configuration file
var config = parseFile("app.ini")
You can also parse configuration files from strings, using the parseString procedure.


import src/iniplus
# Load configuration file from string
var config = parseString("[section]\nkey=\"Hello World!\"")
After reading and parsing your configuration, you will be left with a ConfigTable object. This is the actual configuration data, represented in a neat little table. And you can use it now to retrieve actual data, like so:


import src/iniplus
# Ignore the long string, it's there to please
# Nim's documentation generator.
var config = parseString("""
  string="Hello World!"
  array=["John", "Katie", true]


# Always make sure to check if a value exists before retrieving it!
# Iniplus will raise a defect if it finds non-existent value!
if config.exists("section","key"):
  echo "Key value inside \"Section\" section exists!"
  # Do something with it.

# Get string value
assert config.getString("section","string") == "Hello World!"
# Get boolean value
assert config.getBool("section","bool") == true
# Get integer value
assert config.getInt("section","int") == 5000

# The array that gets returned here consists of ConfigValue objects
# You can use getStringArray(), getBoolArray(), getIntArray()
# in order to get arrays of only one value type.

# Get array value
assert config.getArray("section","array").len() == 3 

 # Get array consisting of only strings
assert config.getStringArray("section","stringArray")[0] == "John"
# Get array consisting of only booleans
assert config.getBoolArray("section","boolArray")[0] == true
# Get array consisting of only integers
assert config.getIntArray("section","intArray")[0] == 5000 
There are also advanced features such as making your own tables, writing multiple keys with one call and converting your table into a string. These are too advanced to cover here, but I hope these will be easy for you to pick up.You can check out the modules separately below, here is a list over what each one does:
  1. retrieve contains functions for retrieving data from config file
  2. objects contains the object definitions that are the foundation of this library
  3. reader contains the configuration file parser
  4. writer contains the above-mentioned advanced features.